If you suffer from insomnia the following exercises yoga will help you overcome it.

Insomnia is the mood, or state felt by someone who has difficulty sleeping, who feels tired and fatigued, whose nervousness becomes anxiety, who closes his eyes but ultimately does not succeed. And when he manages to sleep, it is already time to wake up. Many people today suffer from insomnia and this is because their daily lifestyle is so intense that they don't even have a few minutes during the day to relax.

The following exercises will help you with your problem. Of course, if you are a beginner, we would suggest that you first attend some lessons with a teacher before trying them yourself.

  1. Sitting position


This pose will relax and calm you. It also helps a lot in the proper functioning of the intestine.

Sit and stretch your legs in front. With a straight back and outstretched arms try to grab - as much as you can - the toes of your feet. Stay there for up to 10-12 breaths.

  1. Bridge


It may not seem like a very relaxing pose, but it will help you release tension. Postures like the bridge eliminate stress which is one of the main causes of insomnia.

Lift your pelvis and try to grab your heels with your hands as shown in the photo. Stay there for 10-15 slow breaths.

  1. Relaxing posture


In this exercise try not to think about anything. Close your eyes and banish the stress of the day.

First, sit normally, bend your legs - like doing a 'butterfly' - and then lie down. Close your eyes and take proper breaths. You can stay in this position for as long as you want.

  1. Inverted posture


With this posture, you help your feet and soles to be relieved from the tension of the day. Physical fatigue is also a cause of insomnia.

It may be a bit difficult to do this particular pose but it is very effective. What you have to do is lie on your back, grab your pelvis and at times stretch your legs high in the air. Take proper breaths and stay there as long as you can.

  1. Savasana


Have you ever fallen asleep during a savannah yoga class? If so, then you are definitely not alone. Savasana lets your body enjoy the previous exercises and prepares the brain for rest and calmness.

Simply lie on your back on the floor with your arms open so that your palms face up and close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing and feel that you eliminate all the tension, fatigue, stress of the day. Feel that you have no passions and needs. You can listen to relaxing music during this pose. After a few weeks of daily exercise your insomnia will be a thing of the past.

Source: politisonline.com

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