Rhythmic Gymnastics , control and rhythm in body and mind.

Beautiful little girls with a love for dance and ballet, combine movement, exercises accompanied by music with the help of rhythmic instruments ( rope , ball , wreath , hoops , ribbon ) and thus art and sport coexist giving a very nice result. This is rhythmic gymnastics.

The ideal sport for girls, since through it they will learn to move gracefully and control their bodies. The ideal age for a girl to start is around four but even if an older girl wants to learn the art of rhythmic she can take it up on a mass level with many benefits.

Whether they do it at the mass level or at the championship level, the benefits are many, as rhythmic gymnastics is technically based on detail, resulting in them gaining balance, improving flexibility and coordination and thus becoming a sport-base for the girls' later involvement with other sports such as synchronized swimming, swimming, diving, classical sports, dance and many other sports with great success.

So even if a girl stops rhythmic gymnastics, the skills she will have acquired will accompany her in whatever sport she follows because she will have learned to control her body, her mind and obey.

A few words from the European Champion and our coach, Georgia Straka.

Source: pyramida-gymnastics.gr