A child can be taught dance from the age of 4 years old ! However, the ideal age is 6 years old, since he has already acquired his basic motor skills skills and is psychomotorically prepared. Many parents ask why they should enroll their child in a dance school and if it is necessary to improve their physical condition.
Mr. Stelios Mantoudis, Developmental Occupational Therapist, answers and mentions the benefits of ballet in a child's life:
• The child acquires good body posture, balance and flexibility
• Improves the way he walks and moves (especially when started at a very young age)
• He learns to control his body and acquires harmony in his movements
• Is disciplined and learns to work within a team
• Follows instructions, repeats and learns to align his body
• Adjusts his movements according to the music and rhythm
• Practices the memory of
• Dance contributes to the formation and development of personality
• Strengthens the confidence and the self-esteem of
• It is a way to express and vent them emotions of
• Strengthens the sociability of
Expert Advice:
It is important for children to play sports and be creatively employed according to child psychology studies. Dance, specifically ballet, strengthens children's love for both physical exercise and classical music. If you notice that your child has difficulty joining the group, he is having difficulties in motility of or refuses to participate in any activity then it is better to contact a Developmental Specialist for evaluation and counseling .
Source: www.mandou.gr