Getting fit isn't always about endurance or losing weight: it can be about improving your mobility, balance and flexibility.
These are the areas where Pilates really… excels! The increasingly popular exercise method encourages you to achieve complete harmony with your body through careful exercises and postures that help regaining muscle control you and the acquisition of greater flexibility . Below are some of its most important benefits:
1. You will enjoy toned muscles and increased flexibility
A standard course Pilates (lasting from 45 minutes to an hour and a half) is a full body workout. You will be able to train all your muscles, strengthen your overall coordination, prevent injuries, improve balance you and cope more easily with daily activities.
2. You'll get better posture
Pilates aligns your spine, in and out of class. Exercise trains your body to move properly, stretching injured muscles and getting stronger the weak, especially your waistline . This improves your posture and overall musculoskeletal alignment.
3. Your center will become stronger
Many Pilates poses specifically target your core muscles, such as your abs, lower back, and pelvic floor. The amazing results don't stop there, as a strong core supports the entire body skeleton, contributes to improved joint flexibility and according to Fitness magazine even helps the digestive system.
4. You will get the perfect balance
Slips, trips and falls will be a thing of the past with Pilates. H research cited on the McMaster Optimal Aging portal, shows that exercise improves balance (especially in the elderly) and can have a preventive effect, helping to reduce the incidence of falls by ensuring better control of your lower limbs.
5. You will breathe better
Measured breathing is a huge part of Pilates and for good reason. Deep, controlled breathing:
● Decompresses your spine
● Tightens and exercises your abs
● Burns more calories (as we get rid of calories by exhaling while moving)
● Gives energy and stimulates your internal organs
● Improves your traffic
...and not only. It will even improve the physical effects of your exercise. When you breathe deeply and consciously in conjunction with movement (something called "conscious breathing"), your muscles benefit as oxygen flows to those used and maximizes their performance.
6. You will avoid muscle mistakes
Many of us move incorrectly in one way or another as we sit, bend, exercise and we walk , putting pressure on the wrong muscles, causing some to become weaker and others stronger. This can lead to injury or make you more prone to injury.
When you are aware of how you move your body in Pilates and enjoy the aforementioned benefits such as enhanced endurance center and better balance, you can heal from existing pain and prevent future pain.